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Terms of Use


For simplicity, 本网站将西方石油公司及其子公司和关联公司统称为本公司(“本网站”), the corporation, or “Occidental.” However, 本网站或相关网站上的任何内容均无意与这些实体的公司独立性相冲突. 西方石油公司为其员工的利益经营和维护该网站, customers, vendors, 版税持有人和其他网站用户(统称, the “Users”). 通过使用本网站,用户接受并同意以下条款和条件(“条款”). 使用本网站前,请仔细阅读本条款. 一经接受,本条款将构成您与Occidental公司之间具有约束力的协议. 如果您不同意这些条款,请勿使用本网站.


本条款可随时更改,西方石油公司不另行通知. Please check for changes regularly. 您在该等变更后使用本网站即表示您同意该等变更. ​

Use of the Site

Occidental授权您仅为个人目的查看和下载网站上的材料, non-commercial use. 材料可下载或打印仅供参考使用, 前提是您保留原始材料或材料的任何副本中包含的所有版权和其他专有声明. 您不得以任何方式修改本网站的资料,也不得复制或公开展示, 执行或分发或以其他方式将其用于任何公共或商业目的. 您不得以虚假的方式使用本网站或其内容, misleading, 贬损或其他冒犯性行为,或从事或鼓励违反任何适用法律或法规或引起民事责任的行为. 您进一步同意,使用通过本网站获得的任何信息的风险由您自行承担. 严禁在任何其他网站或网络计算机环境中出于任何目的使用本网站的资料. 此外,未经Occidental的明确书面许可,您不得链接到本网站. 您提供的任何个人身份信息均受Occidental隐私协议的约束. 本协议的链接位于本网站每页的底部. 任何违反这些条款的行为都会自动终止您使用本网站和本网站信息的授权.

Trademark and Copyright

Occidental, and certain other brands, trademarks, 服务标志是西方石油公司及其附属公司的标志. The materials on the Site are copyrighted, 未经授权使用本网站的任何材料均可能侵犯版权, trademark and other laws.

Unsolicited Material

西方不接受或考虑不请自来的想法, 包括新技术或新工艺的想法, through the Site. 这一政策是为了避免关于创意所有权的潜在误解或争议. 不通过网站传输任何材料,你认为机密或专有. 您通过本网站传输的任何材料将被视为非机密或专有材料.

Hyperlinks to Third Party Websites

For your convenience, the Site contains links to other websites, 包括一些由西方石油公司或代表西方石油公司的其他公司管理的石油, 以及非Occidental管理的第三方和商业合作伙伴网站. Occidental has not reviewed, and does not monitor, the websites that it does not administer; does not otherwise control them; and is not responsible for their content. Also, 西方石油公司的隐私声明不适用于, 而西方石油公司不负责, any such website. 如果您决定访问任何这些网站,您将自行承担全部风险. 请检查您访问的每个页面,以确定它是否是西方管理的网站.

Forward-looking Statements

网站和西方石油公司社交媒体页面上的信息, including those on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, 是否可以包含1933年证券法第27A条意义上的前瞻性陈述, as amended, 以及1934年证券交易法第21E条, as amended. 根据联邦和州证券法,除历史事实陈述外,所有陈述均为“前瞻性陈述”, and they include, 但不限于:任何盈利预测, revenue or other financial items or future financial position or sources of financing; any statements of the plans, 未来运作的管理策略和目标, business strategy or financial position; any statements regarding future economic conditions or performance; any statements of belief; and any statements of assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. Words such as “estimate,” “project,” “predict,” “will,” “would,” “should,” “could,” “may,” “might,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “intend,” “believe,” “expect,” “aim,” “goal,” “target,” “objective,” "commit," "advance,传达事件或结果的前瞻性性质的“可能”或类似表达通常是前瞻性陈述的指示性表达. 您不应过分依赖这些前瞻性陈述, 哪些只说到公布的日期或以其他方式标明的日期. Unless legally required, 西方石油公司不承担任何更新的义务, 根据新信息修改或撤回任何前瞻性陈述, future events or otherwise.

尽管西方石油公司相信其前瞻性陈述中所反映的期望是合理的, 实际结果可能与预期结果不同, sometimes materially. In addition, historical, 当前的和前瞻性的与可持续性有关的报表可以根据仍在发展中的衡量进展的标准, 持续发展的内部控制和流程以及未来可能发生变化的假设. 可能导致结果与任何前瞻性陈述中预测或假设的结果不同的因素包括, 但不限于:一般经济状况, including slowdowns and recessions, domestically or internationally; Occidental’s indebtedness and other payment obligations, including the need to generate sufficient cash flows to fund operations; Occidental’s ability to successfully monetize select assets and repay or refinance debt and the impact of changes in Occidental’s credit ratings; the scope and duration of the global or regional health pandemics or epidemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic and actions taken by governmental authorities and other third parties in connection therewith; assumptions about energy markets; global and local commodity and commodity-futures pricing fluctuations and volatility; supply and demand considerations for, and the prices of, Occidental’s products and services; actions by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC oil producing countries; results from operations and competitive conditions; future impairments of our proved and unproved oil and gas properties or equity investments, or write-downs of productive assets, causing charges to earnings; unexpected changes in costs; inflation, its impact on markets and economic activity and related monetary policy actions by governments in response to inflation; availability of capital resources, levels of capital expenditures and contractual obligations; the regulatory approval environment, 包括西方石油及时获得或维持许可证或其他政府批准的能力, including those necessary for drilling and/or development projects; Occidental's ability to successfully complete, or any material delay of, field developments, expansion projects, capital expenditures, efficiency projects, acquisitions or dispositions; risks associated with acquisitions, mergers and joint ventures, such as difficulties integrating businesses, 与财务预测有关的不确定性, projected synergies, restructuring, increased costs and adverse tax consequences; uncertainties and liabilities associated with acquired and divested properties and businesses; uncertainties about the estimated quantities of oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas reserves; lower-than-expected production from development projects or acquisitions; Occidental’s ability to realize the anticipated benefits from prior or future streamlining actions to reduce fixed costs, simplify or improve processes and improve Occidental’s competitiveness; exploration, drilling and other operational risks; disruptions to, capacity constraints in, or other limitations on the pipeline systems that deliver Occidental’s oil and natural gas and other processing and transportation considerations; volatility in the securities, capital or credit markets, including capital market disruptions and instability of financial institutions; governmental actions, war (including the Russia-Ukraine war) and political conditions and events; environmental risks and liability under federal, regional, state, provincial, tribal, local and international environmental laws, and regulations, 以及诉讼(包括根据现行或未来法律采取补救行动或评估的潜在责任), regulations and litigation); legislative or regulatory changes, 包括与水力压裂或其他石油和天然气操作有关的变化, retroactive royalty or production tax regimes, deep-water and onshore drilling and permitting regulations and environmental regulations (including regulations related to climate change); Occidental's ability to recognize intended benefits from its business strategies and initiatives, such as Occidental’s low carbon ventures businesses or announced greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets or net-zero goals; potential liability resulting from pending or future litigation; disruption or interruption of production or manufacturing or facility damage due to accidents, chemical releases, labor unrest, weather, power outages, natural disasters, cyber-attacks, terrorist acts or insurgent activity; the creditworthiness and performance of Occidental's counterparties, including financial institutions, operating partners and other parties; failure of risk management; Occidental’s ability to retain and hire key personnel; supply, transportation, and labor constraints; reorganization or restructuring of Occidental’s operations; changes in state, federal or international tax rates; and actions by third parties that are beyond Occidental's control. 本网站和Occidental社交媒体页面上提供的材料和数据仅供您方便使用. U.S. 我们敦促投资者仔细考虑我们最近在10-K表格年度报告中披露的信息, 10-Q表格的季度报告和8-K表格的当前报告, 可通过本网站及本网站指定的地址向我们索取. 您也可以通过拨打1-800-SEC-0330或访问SEC的网站从美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)获得一份副本,

Reserves Disclosure

The SEC permits oil and gas companies, in their filings with the SEC, 只披露预计具有经济生产能力的储量, as of a given date, 通过将开发项目应用于已知的积累. We use certain terms in the Site, such as estimated reserves, recoverable reserves and oil in place, 证券交易委员会的指导方针严格禁止我们在提交给证券交易委员会的文件中使用这些信息. 本网站上的任何内容均不构成投资建议. 过去的表现不能保证未来的结果. A security rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities, 可由指定评级机构随时修改或撤销,并应独立于任何其他评级进行评估.

Stock Price Information

本网站提供的任何股票价格信息不应作为投资依据. Occidental does not guarantee the accuracy, 此信息的完整性或及时性,不对因依赖股价信息而可能产生的任何损失或损害负责.


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Personal Jurisdiction

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本条款可随时更改,西方石油公司不另行通知. Please check for changes regularly. 您在该等变更后使用本网站即表示您同意该等变更. ​